At S E I K Psychiatry, we strive to provide the highest standards of care and customer service to all our patients. However, we understand that there may be times when we fall short of your expectations. In such cases, we want you to know that we value your feedback and take complaints seriously. We are committed to listening to your concerns, acknowledging any mistakes we may have made, and working towards rectifying them to improve our services.
We have a simple and transparent complaints procedure consisting of three stages:
Stage 1 - Local Resolution:
All complaints should be raised directly with the CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) in the first instance and should be made within 6 months of the date of the event complained about.
Complaints received beyond this time period will not be formally investigated. However, the service remains committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and welcomes all feedback, regardless of timing. Such feedback will be reviewed thoughtfully and taken seriously as part of our ongoing efforts to inform learning and enhance the quality of care we provide.
The Patient will be given a copy of the complaints policy and invited to attend a video consultation with the CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) and other relevant parties to talk through their concerns and to try and resolve the issue at an early stage.
The CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) will go through a thorough process of investigation to include reviewing the case in detail and taking statements from all staff members / doctors concerned. The CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) responds directly to the person who has made the complaint, whether the complaint was made verbally, by letter, text or email.
To make a formal complaint the complainant should write or e-mail to Provider clearly stating the nature of their complaint and as much detail concerning dates, times and if known names of staff members. This will enable us to acknowledge and address the issues raised promptly and effectively.
The CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint, to the complainant’s postal address provided (or via email) within 3 working days of receipt (unless a full reply can be sent within 5 days).
The CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) or their designated person will investigate all complaints. Where the Provider is unclear on any point or issue regarding the complaint, it will contact the complainant to seek clarification.
A full response to the complaint will usually be made within 20 working days or, where the investigation is still in progress, send a letter explaining the reason for the delay to the complainant, at a minimum, every 20 working days. The aim should be to complete stage 1 in most cases within three months.
In the event that the complainant is dissatisfied with the response to their complaint they can escalate their complaint to Stage 2, and must do so in writing, within 6 months of the final response to their complaint at Stage 1.
Stage 2 - Complaint Review:
If the complainant escalates their complaint to Stage 2, the CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) will provide a written acknowledgement to complainants within 3 working days of receipt of their complaint at stage 2 (unless a full reply can be sent within 5 working days).
The CQC Registered Manager (or Complaints Manager if different) will have arrangements in place by which to conduct an objective review of the complaint. Normally this will involve a senior member of staff who has not been involved in handling of the complaint at stage 1.
Stage 2 shall involve a review of all the documentation and may include interviews with relevant staff. The records made as part of the stage 2 review should be complete and retained since these may be required later in the process.
Provide a review of the investigation and the response made at stage 1.
Invite the clinic that responded at stage 1 to make a further response, where there is an opportunity to resolve the complaint by taking a further look at a specific matter. The complainant should be kept informed where this happens.
Consider whether the review at stage 2 would be supported by facilitating a face-to-face meeting (or teleconference, where acceptable) between the complainant and those who responded to the complaint at stage 1.
Provide a full response on the outcome of the review within 20 working days or, where the investigation is still in progress, send a letter explaining the reason for the delay to the complainant, at a minimum, every 20 working days.
The aim should be to complete the review at stage 2 in most cases within three months.
Stage 3 - Independent Review by CEDR:
If patients with to further escalate their complaint following stage 2, patients have the option to contact the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) using the following methods:
Web: Visit https://www.cedr.com/ for more information and contact details.
Address: 100 St. Paul’s Churchyard, London EC4M 8BU, United Kingdom
Tel: Call +44 (0)20 7536 6000 to reach CEDR's helpline.
CEDR is an independent organisation that specialises in dispute resolution. They will work with patients and our service to find a resolution to your complaint.
Additional Support and Advice:
Throughout the complaints process, patients may seek further advice and support from the following organisations:
a) Citizens Advice Service:
Citizens Advice provides free, confidential, and independent advice. They have numerous locations and can assist you face-to-face or over the phone. Visit their website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk or call their helpline for more information.
b) Patients Association:
The Patients Association is a national healthcare charity that aims to address patients' concerns and needs. They provide advice and information to help you make the most out of your care. You can contact their helpline at 0845 608 4455 or visit their website at www.patients-association.org.uk.
Please note that these organisations do not investigate complaints on your behalf but can provide valuable guidance and support.
Raising Concerns with the Care Quality Commission (CQC):
If you feel the need to raise your concerns directly with the Care Quality Commission, you may do so. However, CQC do not investigate complaints, so it is important to follow the complaints process outlined in this policy (Stages 1, 2, and 3).
You can contact the CQC at 03000 616161 or email them at enquiries@cqc.org.uk.
Their website, www.cqc.org.uk, provides further information.
Managing Complaints
Our team is committed to encouraging feedback from patients and service users, including complaints, concerns, suggestions, and compliments. We encourage our staff to resolve complaints at the point of service whenever possible and within the scope of their roles and responsibilities.
We hope that our complaints procedure helps you understand the process better. We value your feedback and are dedicated to providing a caring and attentive experience for all individuals we support.